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Real Canadian Superstore

The Real Canadian Superstore, Coquitlam, is the third Superstore for Con-Force Structures Limited using hollow core to provide a store floor, and at the same time vehicle parking underneath. The total floor plan of the building was approximately 9200 square meters.

The store in Coquitlam required a total of 9159 square meters of 203mm hollow core, and 596 square meters of 305mm hollow core. One benefit of using hollow core is the long span capabilities of the product, allowing 4 cars to fit between columns facilitating a more open and safe structure. The usual underground parking arrangement is three cars between columns for cast in place structures.

The columns are spaced at a 9 meter by 11meter grid. There are fewer slab bands, columns, foundation footings and steel columns in the store when utilizing the long span capability of the hollow core. The steel columns line up directly on top of the cast in place columns in the parkade.

The speed of installation is also beneficial as up to 100 pieces was placed in one day. This represents a total area of approximately 1100 square meters per day. This allows the owner to open the store 2 weeks sooner and start bringing in revenue sooner. The hollow core is installed on the formwork and the cast in place topping and slab bands are poured all at once, saving time. The structure's steel supplier can install his structural steel on projecting HSS sections from the cast in place columns below, thereby eliminating the need for the slab band to be poured and further fastrack the schedule. Additional benefits of the hollow core construction are that it provides a working platform for other trades and the standard benefits of concrete construction.

Con-Force Structures Limited is committed to working with companies and organizations to find and develop better methods of precast construction, improving efficiency and helping to reduce or limit the impacts on the environment.

Architect: Chandler Associates Architecture Inc.
Engineer: London Mah & Associates
Owner: Westfair Properties Ltd.
Contractor: Double V Construction (1995)
Precaster: Con-Force Structures Limited

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