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Cineplex Odeon Theatre

Ivanhoe Cambridge and Cineplex Odeon wanted to add a considerable addition on to the Devonshire Shopping Mall without disrupting shopping traffic. As well, construction of the new 12 screen Cineplex Odeon Theatre had to be completed during harsh winter conditions.

Considerable time was saved by using precast concrete construction for the bleacher seating and wall panels. Cast-in-place concrete construction would have required temporary enclosures, heating of forms and curing time for the concrete to obtain it's required design strength. This would have slowed down the construction process considerably.

However, as precast concrete is manufactured in a controlled plant environment, it can be installed rapidly, getting the doors open faster, and therefore increasing the owner's return on investment. Cold weather and snow did not affect the construction and installation of the precast materials. Precast construction met and/or exceeded the construction schedule.

An expansion was necessary with only one mall serving over approximately 300,000 people in all of Windsor and Essex County. As well, the old theatre within the mall had shut down over a year before the new construction started. The 12 screen Cineplex Odeon Theatre was built to rival the size and grandeur of their competitor, Famous Players Silver City.

General Contractor: McKay Cocker Construction Ltd.
Architect: Pellow & Associates Architects
Engineer: Hannigan Engineering Ltd.
Owners: Ivanhoe Cambridge & Cineplex Odeon
Precaster: Prestressed Systems Inc.

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