Advanced Concrete Technologies GCP Chryso GCP Chryso Euclid Canada Exact Technology RATEC
Award Winner - Student Residence

A new 8-level, 27 unit student residence stands where previously 2 smaller private residences were used for student rentals. The project is located on a very small site on a very busy city street. A great deal of coordination was required for all trades involved for the project to move along smoothly.

The project features 8 levels of 203 mm (8 in) thick hollow core slabs, 4290 sq m (46,200 sq ft) as well as solid slabs, 214 sq m (2,300 sq ft) for the large balconies, The use of hollow core slabs provided a thinner floor section allowing for higher than normal ceilings in the residence.

Shipments of precast hollow core slabs were delivered to site every six days; portions of the street had to be shut down to make room for the flatbed trailers. The tight 32-week schedule was maintained with cooperation and coordination between trades and the contractor. The building was not even 2 weeks old when the first students moved in just in time for the first week of school.

This project was submitted to the Grand Valley Construction Association’s Building Excellence Awards competition by the General Contractor, Protrend-Arrow Construction Inc., resulting in Coreslab’s Award of Merit for its contribution to the project.

Award of Merit from the Grand Valley Construction Association’s Building Excellence Awards program.

Contractor: Protrend-Arrow Construction Inc.
Architect: Architecture Incorporated
Precast: Coreslab Structures (ONT) Inc

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