Advanced Concrete Technologies GCP Chryso GCP Chryso Euclid Canada Exact Technology RATEC
Hawthorne Village Public School

The project consists of a new self contained 1020 sq m (11,000 sq ft) addition consisting of 10 classroom plus toilets and a teacher’s room that is directly connected to the existing school.

All of the structural components above the foundations were precast ahead of time and delivered to the site for fast installation:

Exterior walls were insulated sandwich wall panels with a two tone sandblasted exterior finish. Ledges were provided on the back of the load bearing panels to support the hollow core roof slabs.

Two window openings were provided for each classroom. Windows can be opened in good weather.

Interior load bearing walls had ducts and classroom door openings cast in. These panels support the hollow core roof slabs spanning across the classrooms and corridors.

Hollow core roof slabs are 254 mm deep, 1220 mm wide, with 5 interior cores, and span 9.8 m across the classrooms and 3.68 m across the corridor.

The heating and cooling of the addition is provided using the Termodeck system ( In winter, heated outside air from rooftop gas fired furnaces is circulated through the three centre hollow core cores in each classroom. Heat is stored in the roof slabs and released as needed.

This system is highly efficient requiring half the energy used in conventional construction. All supply air is fresh from the outside with no recirculation. Return air is passed through a heat recovery unit before being exhausted to the outside.

Modular precast concrete school additions can be designed to be demounted and reinstalled at another location by school boards if necessary to accommodate changing demand for classroom spaces.

Owner: Halton District School Board
Architect: Svedas Koyanagi Architects Inc.
Structural Engineer: Philips Planning & Engineering Ltd.
Mechanical Engineer: MCW Consultants Ltd.
Precast Contractor Manufacturer: Pre-Con Inc.
Hollow Core: Coreslab Structures

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